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    What is the main inspection method of seamless steel pipe

    Seamless steel pipes are widely used in the manufacture of structural parts and mechanical parts, such as oil drill pipes, automobile transmission shafts, bicycle frames, and steel scaffolding used in construction. Steel pipes are used to make ring parts, which can improve material utilization, simplify manufacturing processes, and save Steel pipes have been widely used for manufacturing materials and processing man-hours. Steel pipes are inseparable from all aspects of our food, clothing, housing and transportation. For example, the water we use every day, and the materials and tools used in the construction industry. Even in the bicycle and automobile industries, steel pipes are widely used. In the past, there were some differences in steel pipes used in different industries. Because of the steel pipes at that time, the production technology was not very advanced. This results in the steel pipe having only one focus on performance. But now it is different, and the steel pipe production technology is constantly updated. Many types of steel pipes have appeared in the market. Among all types of steel pipes, seamless steel pipes have become one of the best. Seamless steel pipes can be so popular. That's because the performance of all aspects of seamless steel pipes is very accurate. It can meet the requirements of different industries for steel pipes. But in the **** market, most seamless steel pipes are not qualified products. Therefore, when we buy, we need to know some commonly used test methods. First, you can test the shape of the steel pipe, such as the curvature of the steel pipe. It does not need, what a professional tool. Just use a thin line to straighten it or place it vertically. Test the curvature of each meter of steel pipe, or the full length of curvature. If the curvature is too large, it is obviously not a qualified steel pipe. Secondly, you can also use naked eyes to observe, steel pipe identification, experience, standards and other information. See whether it meets the seamless steel pipe standard.

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