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    What are the precautions for the preservation of seamless steel pipes?

    The place where seamless steel pipes are stored needs to be kept away from harmful gases or dust in factories and mines. You should always pay attention to the rust removal of seamless steel pipes. What are the precautions for seamless steel pipe storage?

       1. The site or warehouse for storing seamless steel pipe products should be clean and well-drained, away from factories and mines that produce harmful gases or dust. Weeds and all debris should be removed on the field, and the steel should be kept clean.

      2. Do not stack it with materials that are corrosive to steel such as acid, alkali, salt, cement, etc. in the warehouse. Different types of steel should be stacked separately to prevent confusion and contact corrosion.

        3. Large section steel, rails, steel plates, large diameter seamless steel pipes, forgings, etc. can be stacked in the open air.

      4. Small and medium-sized steel bars, wire rods, steel bars, medium-diameter seamless steel pipes, steel wires and wire ropes, etc., can be stored in a well-ventilated material shed, but must be topped and bottomed.

       5. Some small steels, thin steel plates, steel strips, silicon steel sheets, small-diameter or thin-walled seamless steel pipes, various cold-rolled and cold-drawn steels, and high-priced, corrosive metal products can be stored in storage.

      6. The warehouse should be selected according to the geographical conditions. Generally, an ordinary closed warehouse is used, that is, a warehouse with a roof, a fence, doors and windows, and ventilation devices.

      7. The warehouse is required to be ventilated on sunny days, shut down to prevent moisture on rainy days, and always maintain a suitable storage environment.

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